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Jinjoo is starting to think like her mother.

TENYN May 12, 2024 2:44 am

I feel like Jinjoo had this idea in her head that love is all a person needs to live a happy and fulfilled life & it seems that for while now Jinjoo has regretted her life choices,being loved & taken care of by someone hasn't brought the happiness Jinjoo thought she would feel but instead she totally submitted to someone else's will & life just passed her by,meeting Doyeon is bitter for Jinjoo though...Doyeon reminds Jinjoo of how she could have been if she didn't run off & get married,she could have gone to university and such,had friends etc but she choose love instead of living her own life by her own will.

Honestly i feel like Jinjoo will become a nun and give up the husband,Doyeon and sex and choose to live her life alone while Doyeon explores her sexual/ romantic identity and start dating women,i feel like Jinjoo may only be able to heal when she decides to be alone and sort her mind & heart out.
