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is she really "sena"? or that's just a random girl who was at the scene of sena's suicide ...

eheem_noice May 12, 2024 3:03 am

is she really "sena"? or that's just a random girl who was at the scene of sena's suicide and bora kidnapped her because she thinks she's "sena" and can't accept her twin sisters death

    Alexa May 24, 2024 8:54 am

    if she really was a random girl, she wouldn't have a mole under her right eye. and also, she wouldn't a the same stain on her leg. but overall, that's actually great theory

    Addicted to yaoi May 31, 2024 8:55 pm
    if she really was a random girl, she wouldn't have a mole under her right eye. and also, she wouldn't a the same stain on her leg. but overall, that's actually great theory Alexa

    But what if that person doesn't look like sena but in bora's mind she look like her.!