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how do i become a translator

Nnznxxj May 12, 2024 3:57 am

how do i become a translator

    mushroom cloud May 12, 2024 4:08 am

    start translating

    Legra May 12, 2024 4:23 am

    for fansub? apply to any open scanlation group. i think PeachyPasteriesScans is recruiting translator rn.

    sho May 12, 2024 10:40 am

    Hi there! As someone who used to be in a scanlation group, all I need to say is that you should check out the discord links on the scanlation pages in the man(ga/hwa/hua) that you're reading. Most groups will recruit you if you're suitable for the role, since translators are highly requested. Make sure you only apply for the role as long as you're fluent in the language you want to translate. It's quite irky when an inexperienced translator starts translating things that don't make sense . Some proofreaders will sadly overlook those mistakes and then you get a poorly translated chapter.. So other than looking out for that, good luck! I hope you can apply to the role soon :)

    sho May 12, 2024 10:41 am
    Hi there! As someone who used to be in a scanlation group, all I need to say is that you should check out the discord links on the scanlation pages in the man(ga/hwa/hua) that you're reading. Most groups will r... sho

    help i meant to say "apply for the role", woopsies.
    Anyway you got this babes ^^^

    Nnznxxj May 12, 2024 6:03 pm
    Hi there! As someone who used to be in a scanlation group, all I need to say is that you should check out the discord links on the scanlation pages in the man(ga/hwa/hua) that you're reading. Most groups will r... sho

    oh thank you