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Just sad

Ramerald May 12, 2024 9:06 am

The ending is inexplicably frustrating.

The endgame is the duke's son. I did expect this but i still cant accept it

Anyways, mc will runaway from the mansion one day.

Mc's real identity is found out after she meets with the queen later. The late king's last will was to find her lost illegitimate daughter and the queen was desperately looking for her. Its a good thing that the queen is a rlly nice person.

When they meet again, it will be when mc is recognised as the half sister of the queen(idr what their relations were but mc was the illegitimate daughter born of a maid). And by then, she's alr carrying their child. Ml will look at her swollen belly and suddenly dive in for a forced kiss at an alley. Ofc there was a maid w mc atm but mc shooed her off. Mc tried to push him off but she couldn't and gave up. Ml was 'satisfied' w this. Then ml asked y mc would run away and all saying he alr broke the engagemnt. Mc said she didnt want her child taken away from her and wanted to properly raise it. Mc act had an angry face so she rlly didnt want to meet this man tbh.

[When the queen finds out the child's father identity]
The queen didnt interrupt with anything mc wants to do. She just leaves mc to decide whether she wants to raise the child alone or if she wants to marry the toxic ml.....and she will end up marrying him after he saves her from a bear.

Tbh i dont like the ml. He didnt do anything when mc was being abused by his sis. Now he's even using her as a sacrifice to 'protect' his sis from an illegitimate rumour that hasnt even happened yet. And when mc sincerely loved him, he called her a "plaything". No wonder gurl never truly felt her love reciprocated. If only ml wasnt the one salvation and solace she found during her bad days, i'd rather wanna see her w her childhood friend. He rlly cares for mc. Even buying desserts for her, clearly knowing they're pricey and he doesnt always get to spend time on land.

This is all the spoilers i found from the novel ppl shared. Im just here to see the moment mc runs away from ml.
