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Gossiping bitch

Dudez13 May 12, 2024 9:57 am

I know it's mostly Kaji's fault for dragging it out so long and not telling Fukami yet, but the bitch who lied about hearing the news from Kaji just so she can gossip surely deserves a special place in hell.

    Moonlight May 23, 2024 9:05 pm

    Yeah she didn't wanna be scolded so fuckin lied about that and it just made things worst 'cause now Fukami thinks Kaji didn't want him to know on purpose while telling it to everybodyelse

    hachi leaf May 26, 2024 4:51 pm

    can't a man actually hesitate, think things over, and prepare before confronting stuff? it's not kaji's fault ffs. he had always planned to tell it. it's not called dragging.

    Dudez13 May 26, 2024 6:44 pm
    can't a man actually hesitate, think things over, and prepare before confronting stuff? it's not kaji's fault ffs. he had always planned to tell it. it's not called dragging. hachi leaf

    Yeah, no you're definitely right, I realized I had just been reading at like snail speed so it felt much longer. ( ̄∇ ̄") But my point still stands that the girl who's spreading the news just because she wants to, deserves her place in hell for creating a misunderstanding that will mostly likely get Kaji blamed for.