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Leave him alone damnnnnn

MISSMERCY May 12, 2024 11:01 am

I firmly believe in “it’s not by force”. why just because he’s the strongest does he now have to dedicate his life to protecting others. If you want to do that fine but why must everyone be the same as you. And furthermore he’s already done his part by saving the world. But instead of focusing on new talent, you guys want to bother and disturb a national hero who clearly doesn’t want to be found. Things like this really irritate me and I’ll be upset if they keep pushing this agenda on him.

    baby May 16, 2024 6:59 am

    just like ml had said, strong people have responsibilities. whether we like it or not, it is mc’s responsibility to use his power to protect the people. that’s why he was given one in the first place. however, i’m not saying mc is a bad person for not wanting to be found because what happened to him was truly tragic. i think he already did his part in preventing the extinction of humanity. but we need to understand both sides. they are desperate to find him bcs he is the only one who survived the great dungeon. so they believed he would be an asset for the next. we as the readers obviously would be partial to mc bcs we knew what he went through but these people didn’t.

    MISSMERCY May 16, 2024 10:09 pm
    just like ml had said, strong people have responsibilities. whether we like it or not, it is mc’s responsibility to use his power to protect the people. that’s why he was given one in the first place. howev... baby

    Do you know why I disagree and why I think this mindset is BS? Cuz you lot will say this until it’s you or your beloved family members and you have to watch them almost die protecting the world over and over again just because they have the power to. It’s easy for you to say this cuz you’re not in that position. Our MC has already done his part by saving the world 10 years ago, but I’m ngl even if he didn’t and he decided he wanted to to make shields from the sidelines for the rest of his life, who are you to decide that he’s incorrect for that? Honestly the only reason why I’m not toooo upset by them forcibly finding him is because he’s planning to kill himself

    MISSMERCY May 16, 2024 10:10 pm
    just like ml had said, strong people have responsibilities. whether we like it or not, it is mc’s responsibility to use his power to protect the people. that’s why he was given one in the first place. howev... baby

    Anyways power and responsibility always makes for a great discussion,
    Don’t take my response too seriously