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What is bro yapping about😭 on a more serious note I get why he was feeling a little c...

Klance=zukka May 12, 2024 1:28 pm

What is bro yapping about

on a more serious note I get why he was feeling a little conscious because he was wondering if Doha actually liked him or just went with the flow BUT ITS BEEN LIKE 3 YEARS BROTHER DID YOU NOT SEE HIM ABSOLUTELY FIGHT TO GET IN THE SAME SCHOOL AS YOU????

Honestly this is the exact same conflict he had in highschool at the beginning of their relationship and it’s kinda dragging on.

Also I have no idea what this story is about anymore I think I lost tracks after the highschool days

    Klance=zukka May 12, 2024 1:31 pm

    But I kinda get why joon feels like that even more that they spent a year apart but still his feelings are valid but so are Doha’s who are often overlooked Because in the process he is hurting and confusing his bf who did everything to be with him to then have Joon act weird and distant and feel like Doha will leave him every turn

    Fey May 15, 2024 1:21 am

    samee like what even is the problem you're literally living together man