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Please explain to me the meaning of the chair drawings like I'm 5.

Toilet Reaper May 12, 2024 4:24 pm

Please explain to me the meaning of the chair drawings like I'm 5.

    ctfd.dftba May 14, 2024 4:18 am

    Tbh, I thought the chairs were drawn in the place of clock arms to show how much time was passing, and that Siha was proud of how hard his brother was studying, but I have no idea of that’s correct

    Toilet Reaper May 14, 2024 4:23 pm
    Tbh, I thought the chairs were drawn in the place of clock arms to show how much time was passing, and that Siha was proud of how hard his brother was studying, but I have no idea of that’s correct ctfd.dftba

    Ahh i kinda get it. Thank you