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So is the officer with the glasses telling on everyone? He told on the ML about the files ...

Beaniebby May 12, 2024 8:38 pm

So is the officer with the glasses telling on everyone? He told on the ML about the files hidden which cause the MC to have his memory erase and for him to be reset. && Now the big officer is being taken away when he hasn't even told the ML anything yet. Who side is glasses really on

    asmiir_ May 12, 2024 10:41 pm

    did you see his face when the big officer was being taken away.. highly suspicious.. he feels that the Team leader shouldn’t shoulder anymore guilt but that isn’t his decision nor responsibility lol

    cigarette May 13, 2024 2:44 pm
    did you see his face when the big officer was being taken away.. highly suspicious.. he feels that the Team leader shouldn’t shoulder anymore guilt but that isn’t his decision nor responsibility lol asmiir_

    if anything he just made the situation worse. team leader just lost one of his guys and he doesn't even know why.