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Poor woman

Pati129 May 12, 2024 9:43 pm

She literally has been a single mum for nearly 18 years. She meets a guy who she thinks loves her and will be a good father figure for her daughter. Only for said daughter and guy to get into a relationship behind her back and they continue this even after she gets married to him. Then she sees both people she loves having s*x and betraying her in such a horrible way. I mean she's literally in shock and doesn't even know how to untangle everything and can't think clearly.

As for the daughter...she's almost in's not a victim. She feels guilty because she knows what she's doing, yet continues to do so anyway. Hence why she wanted to change the path, but she clearly wasn't having very strong convictions to do so. I'm actually not sure if she romantically loves the guy or has daddy-issues only, but I don't know what she expected would come out of having an affair with her step-father. I don't blame her though - like I said, she has daddy-issues and is still fairly immature despite her age.

But the guy? He's pure trash. Like he's not even a recyclable trash, he's one that should be incinerated. Is it illegal what he does? No. In Japan the girl could already get married at her age, and she can think and make her own decisions and choices. But does it make it okay? Absolutely not. I also don't buy his reason for marrying her mum...The only reason I can think of is that he wanted both. Why though? I have no clue. He clearly doesn't love the mum - he feels absolutely no guilt about what he's doing to her, and his relation with the daughter seems only superficial. I will never understand why he'd decide to be with someone who still has to do homework to take to school the next day...

Anyways, there's only one person I feel bad for - and that's the mum. She's been duped, and unless she accepts their relationship, she will lose both her daughter and the husband. Though I'd say this husband is not much of a loss.

Dang...that's long - sorry and congrats to those who made it to the end. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
