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Wolfbin May 12, 2024 10:13 pm

So he’s able to sell alcohol, which I think you have to be 18 to sell in Japan. Which makes him at least a senior in high school, and she’s just freshly 20. So that means there’s not even really much of an age gap so much as a “time of life” gap. It is a little weird that he’s a high schooler working in a place that sells alcohol, but I’ve also seen stories where the student gets with their teachers, which could be anywhere over a 10-year age gap. Which is gross when you’re still a minor.

I’m not saying it’s otherwise normal for a newly legal adult to become attracted to someone who’s still in high school (I had friends who were still in high school when I was her age), but at least he’s OVER 18, as he said himself.

If he proves to be under that, yeah, I might drop it because he lied about his age, but other than that I feel like this might not be too bad of a story ¯_(ツ)_/¯
