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Burn the blonde witch

cherie_0108 May 13, 2024 2:10 am

I know that little blonde bitch is shady as fuck the moment she went to Edith's wedding in a freaking WHITE GOWN that looks as glam as the wedding dress itself. Major red flag. You couldn't pay me to come to someone else's wedding in a white dress even if they're my enemy. Maybe it's my trust issue speaking to me but I just knew if someone's too nice on the outside they must've hide a shit ton of skeletons in their closet. Also what's with the brothers taste in woman lol she's built like a pasty dumb child instead of an actual woman. Can't believe they're actually clawing at each other's throat over her.

    Ikabbg May 14, 2024 8:20 pm

    Eat her up, you did that ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
    ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ The moment after the wedding in chapter 3 when she came to Edith's room was iffy, like the married couple an maybe the servants who are supposed to get them ready for the consummation of their marriage are allowed in the room but their she is just walking in without even knocking when Edith could have been naked or Killian and her could have already been consummating, and she came in the white dress she wore almost as if to show off and apologize for my now husband, girl I don't need your apology, your not his blood sister, second wife or mistress, please just stay in your lane (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    cherie_0108 May 15, 2024 6:27 am
    Eat her up, you did that ლ(´ڡ`ლ) ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ The moment after the wedding in chapter 3 when she came to Edith's room was iffy, like the married couple an maybe the servants who are supposed ... Ikabbg

    Right?? The fucking audacity! She acts like she's part of the Rudwick family member or something?? Even if Edith actually blows on her it will be totally justified (Edith is too nice). She's just so fucking infuriating like I could almost hear my blood actually boiling like blublublub ( ̄∇ ̄") and she actually get even worse as the chapters goes by. I know someone who act like her in real life tho, pretending to be all nice and innocent but is actually a total snake who pit people against each other. It's like a war flashback hahaha

    And anyway, I brace myself to read the novel as well and thankfully the novel has ended so I could actually see her demise. If you like the story just like I do, I suggest you to read the novel as well. I think it's worth it and the novel is not too long (=・ω・=)