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Lani May 13, 2024 2:37 am

Why is there so much hate here? The author literally told us the point is to have a toxic top so the wait for the redemption is better. If u don’t like it scroll away? What’s the point of venting in the comments saying how much I hate it nobody cares bro I swear. Ofc behavior like this isn’t expectable but it’s like this in every other manga?? I jus don’t get it

    Lani May 13, 2024 2:40 am

    How much u***

    Willow May 13, 2024 3:23 am

    The whole point of a toxic character's existence is being hated and getting the satisfaction when he loses everything

    Also positive feedbacks and negative ones can coexist
    It's called freedom of speech

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 3:35 am
    The whole point of a toxic character's existence is being hated and getting the satisfaction when he loses everything Also positive feedbacks and negative ones can coexist It's called freedom of speech Willow

    Why is it that when someone has a positive feedback they are attacked.
    Why is it there are cyberstalking to force a few people to see rape or force them off the page?
    You are misunderstanding there is positive feedback, negative feedback and hate.
    Hate is not negative criticism. I don’t like how JK treats Dan and everyone. That is negative criticism. Attacking someone for having positive criticisms is hate and not criticism.
    There are many haters here. They hate read and camp here to attack others. They are even impersonating a few people as they cyberstalk them.
    I am impersonating the real MD but MD has two cyberstalker impersonating him. And another one with the original picture and name.
    This is an illegal site. Freedom of speech isn’t everywhere. What has been happening here does violate the freedom of speech.

    “I have Jk”. Is negative feedback and not hate. You two are talking about two different things. And go find the positive feedback and see how they are attacked. Sounds like you gave your feedback to the wrong person.

    deputymarshall May 13, 2024 3:50 am
    Why is it that when someone has a positive feedback they are attacked. Why is it there are cyberstalking to force a few people to see rape or force them off the page? You are misunderstanding there is positive ... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    u sound personally attacked and american ya! :D

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 4:08 am
    u sound personally attacked and american ya! :D deputymarshall

    I think you tagged the wrong person. I am not the one confusi f hate and negative criticism and then making it about me or pulling the “freedom of speech” card. Many Americans don’t know that has limitations.
    My reply shouldn’t show i feel personally attacked here. I was standing up for many people. I have been personally attacked for months as if I was MD.
    You are right about the American part.

    Willow May 13, 2024 4:29 am
    I think you tagged the wrong person. I am not the one confusi f hate and negative criticism and then making it about me or pulling the “freedom of speech” card. Many Americans don’t know that has limitati... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    Dude get off of your high horse
    When did I attack anybody? I just said THE CHARACTER is meant to be hated
    And people can express that hatred TOWARDS THE CHARACTER
    You're mad at someone else don't vent it out on me
    I don't even know who the fuck you're talking about

    And also nope, I'm not American
    You couldn't possibly imagine how it's like and how much "limitations" I have in my daily life as a fucking middle eastern
    Y'all take your freedom of speech for granted because you don't know what it's really like when it's taken away from you

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 4:37 am
    Dude get off of your high horse When did I attack anybody? I just said THE CHARACTER is meant to be hatedAnd people can express that hatred TOWARDS THE CHARACTER You're mad at someone else don't vent it out on ... Willow

    When did I said you attacked anyone? I said you misunderstood. Try reading my comment again.

    The character is meant to be hated at first. People can express hate towards that but is not what is being said here.
    Am I mad? Try again. If you think I am venting and you don’t know what is happening than how do you know my thoughts, emotions, or feelings? You are making too many assumptions.
    Don’t make me like other Americans that you seem pissed about. How do you know so much about me? You don’t. You are assuming.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 4:37 am
    Dude get off of your high horse When did I attack anybody? I just said THE CHARACTER is meant to be hatedAnd people can express that hatred TOWARDS THE CHARACTER You're mad at someone else don't vent it out on ... Willow

    Now talk to me and not the one you made up.

    PurpleHeart May 13, 2024 4:43 am
    I think you tagged the wrong person. I am not the one confusi f hate and negative criticism and then making it about me or pulling the “freedom of speech” card. Many Americans don’t know that has limitati... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    I agree with you about this. Yet... We are on an illegal website so we shouldn't be too personal on here because in the end of the day there's a lot of different people gathering here. What I learned on commenting here is that people on an illegal website is just a lost of time because most of the time people are here just to argue. They're not here to have an open conversation or are here with an open-minded behavior.
    In the end of the day we are just anonymous people reading and commenting on an illegal website.
    I don't think nowadays there are constructives criticisms or feedbacks in comments sections anymore.
    It's just a war of different opinions clashing against each other.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 4:48 am
    Why is it that when someone has a positive feedback they are attacked. Why is it there are cyberstalking to force a few people to see rape or force them off the page? You are misunderstanding there is positive ... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    “Why is it that when someone has a positive feedback they are attacked.”
    -A question and that has happened to many people since the comments opened up.

    “Why is it there are cyberstalking to force a few people to see rape or force them off the page?”
    - this has been happening for months and the cyberstalkers are impersonating some users. That started in February.

    “You are misunderstanding there is positive feedback, negative feedback and hate.”
    - a statement of redirection.

    “Hate is not negative criticism.”

    “i don’t like how JK treats Dan and everyone.”
    -my opinion about the story.

    “That is negative criticism.”
    Explaining my opinion and it is not hate.

    “Attacking someone for having positive criticisms is hate and not criticism.”
    -explaining an example of hate that has been happening here on this page since comments opened back up. Had nothing to do with anyone here in this thread.

    “There are many haters here.”
    Adding to the previous sentence

    “They hate read and camp here to attack others.”

    Adding to the previous sentence and making it clear it was a statement.

    “They are even impersonating a few people as they cyberstalk them.”
    -adding more information

    “ I am impersonating the real MD but MD has two cyberstalker impersonating him. And another one with the original picture and name.”
    Adding more information show how hate has taken over on this site.

    “This is an illegal site.”


    “Freedom of speech isn’t everywhere.”


    “ What has been happening here does violate the freedom of speech.”
    Back to the hate on this page

    “I have Jk”. Is negative feedback and not hate.
    -showing the difference between negative feedback and hate.

    “You two are talking about two different things.”


    “And go find the positive feedback and see how they are attacked.”
    Statement of how jinx lovers are being attacked.

    “Sounds like you gave your feedback to the wrong person.”
    Sounds like your feedback. I don’t say attack. I am saying that reply should go to the haters attacking others.

    There is no emotions here. I am not mad. I am not showing I am personally attacked either.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 4:51 am
    I think you tagged the wrong person. I am not the one confusi f hate and negative criticism and then making it about me or pulling the “freedom of speech” card. Many Americans don’t know that has limitati... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    I made a mistake. It would be better to say
    “ and then making it about my actions with it doesn’t fit the topic.”
    This reply is calm and just statements without emotions.

    May 13, 2024 2:11 pm
    u sound personally attacked and american ya! :D deputymarshall

    he always feels attacked bc no one is a rape defender like himself

    May 13, 2024 2:11 pm
    u sound personally attacked and american ya! :D deputymarshall

    watch him come at me now with his sorry excuse of impersonation when he's literally an exposed pedo ahahah

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 2:34 pm

    Don’t take “star” seriously. That is a cyberstalker. They are rage-baiting with gaslighting and lies.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 2:42 pm
    I agree with you about this. Yet... We are on an illegal website so we shouldn't be too personal on here because in the end of the day there's a lot of different people gathering here. What I learned on comment... PurpleHeart

    Thank you. I agree with you. The ones that want to argue and cyberstalk really ruins this site where it can be a good place to learn and meet new people with the same interests from different places. I learned a lot from others here. Too bad they make this a piece of coal when it is a diamond.
    You are so right. I wished we can talk and share opinions, theories, and ideas. I would love to read some feedback of the ones that love the stories. But now it is all hate on the people who does love it or has different views from the haters.
    There are 4 accounts that look like this. One is the real MD and the other two are cyberstalkers. I am defending the real one. Check the profiles but if they are saying weird stuff and attacking people it is not us. They are the ones you were describing. It is easy to tell cyberstalker/hater vs their targets by the words they use. You describe them to a T. You need a .

    Safety Advocate May 13, 2024 3:11 pm

    The account above is a self admitted impersonator of the real Morning diamonds which is the first reply of that username. The fake above has also admitted and been outed for grooming a minor and to deny pedophilia for children over the age of 13. He is also a rape apologist and doesn't acknowledge Jaekyung of doing anything wrong. In fact claims Dan raped drunk Jaekyung. He will try to clai anyone going against his rape and kid loving ideologies as trolls or haters.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 3:24 pm

    This might be confusing but this is my first comment. The other Morning diamonds is a pedophile and rape defender by his own admission. Who knows if he has groomed or raped any children in real life.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 3:27 pm
    Dude get off of your high horse When did I attack anybody? I just said THE CHARACTER is meant to be hatedAnd people can express that hatred TOWARDS THE CHARACTER You're mad at someone else don't vent it out on ... Willow

    Now since the cyberstalkers came do you understand that I meant now?

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 3:29 pm
    Don’t take “star” seriously. That is a cyberstalker. They are rage-baiting with gaslighting and lies. I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    The second link is to the real safety and if you go to Safety’s profile you will see the safety here and the new account that looks like mine is the same cyberstalker.

    Don’t engage and don’t believe their petty gaslighting and lies.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 3:31 pm

    From Safety’s profile.

    Edited: 5/1/2024

    Cyberstalker impersonator 1

    *Profile #1 impersonating "I love morning Diamonds aka me"

    *Profile #2 impersonating Aloha.

    *Profile #3 impersonating me

    These are the two that has just entered this chat with gaslighting and lies that only describe themselves.