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No!! N O O O

FireFistLaw12 May 13, 2024 9:21 am

Guys I'm gonna be sick, I'm so god damn nervous, especially after chapter 96. Y'all can't all be raising your death flags at the same time, my heart can't take it.

Sub party 2 absolutely getting obliterated, sub party 1 and 3 definitely losing some members, and main party is going to lose at least 1 member here. I fear that for the main characters itll be [Godhand or Lily], [Junior or Jupiter] and [Evangeline or Damien], they really aint feeling too safe right now :')

    Koi!! May 15, 2024 11:19 am

    Evangeline and Damien has to be for SURE safe. Purely because Evangeline won't be in any death before her death (it jus won't workout like that since they wanted her to grow up and Mc still has a deal w her)
    Damien won't die cause in the earlier chapters Mc said that it would be Damien who will kill Mc so Damien is def safe unless Mc dies
    But thats jus my takes on those two anyway!

    Koi!! May 15, 2024 11:20 am
    Evangeline and Damien has to be for SURE safe. Purely because Evangeline won't be in any death before her death (it jus won't workout like that since they wanted her to grow up and Mc still has a deal w her)Dam... Koi!!

    Won't be in any danger before she's grown mb if it's a little confusing*

    FireFistLaw12 May 15, 2024 1:57 pm
    Evangeline and Damien has to be for SURE safe. Purely because Evangeline won't be in any death before her death (it jus won't workout like that since they wanted her to grow up and Mc still has a deal w her)Dam... Koi!!

    I don't know man, she's about to make a breakthrough, which means she'll gain enlightenment and turn the tides of war, or she'll gain enlightenment and sacrifice herself to win the war. For Damien it feels as though because he took out the spider queen, Celendion will know to go for him. The man just seems more and more tired every time I see him too. Lucas 100% safe though, so there's that, and his presence kind of makes it so it's less likely for Evangelene to go since we've only just touched the surface of the rivalry.

    The good thing about this manga is it's unpredictability. Are they safe? Will they die? Nobody knows because it's well written!