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losing interest

siv May 13, 2024 12:16 pm

is anyone else lowkey losing interest? like i feel since season 2 started nothing has really happened. the romance plot hasn’t had any major developments, the only character that we’ve really been focusing on is ian, and now the story is focused on a plot with the gang that i don’t really care abt since i don’t know what tf is going on.

    LaNansha May 14, 2024 3:33 am

    A lot of the people who lose interest are people who aren’t grasping the gang related plotlines. Ive commented under a few people’s comments to explain those away. Hope it helps.

    pearl eve May 16, 2024 2:15 am

    Wet Sand isn’t just a romance BL if I’m being honest. The lack of development is a byproduct of Ian’s flaws and a result of a battle of autonomy from his past life with TJ. Both Jo and TJ aren’t just romantic rivals, they’re extremely metaphorical to Ian’s emotional struggle to move on or accommodate to the dangers of familiarity (“gang life,” if you will).