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JuJu May 13, 2024 12:49 pm

Ever since the beginning I was conflicted who to ship her with, usami is always so reassuring and says the words you want to hear the most when you least expect it, I thought he might suit her at first but he’s a bit over the top sometimes and would’ve definitely been overwhelming for her to deal with someone like him but SAKU is just so perfect for her because they’re so similar yet so different and he’s so considerate and I really think subaru needs someone like him. I was fine with our MCs relationship and the progress but now that my ship has finally sailed I’m so restless and want to see their progress asap but Ik it’s gonna take a long time considering how subaru is slow on the uptake and saku being so thoughtful about her situation that he wouldn’t dare even think about her that way or even try to do anything until he really can’t ignore his feelings to her anymore, but idk why I can see subaru being the one to confess ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ maybe that’s just my wishful thinking but yeah subaru has changed too much in a really short time and I can definitely see her blurting something like that so nonchalantly, something along the lines of him being special to her more than the other guys and saku would get so embarrassed but he would still think he shouldn’t ask for more because he might be greedy and just being a bit special for her is enough considering how she originally was nut I wanna see more of them ╥﹏╥
I think I will leave it for a year and come back hopefully they will be together then┗( T﹏T )┛
