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mc needs to grow tf up rn and stop being so stupid

thisislele May 13, 2024 12:50 pm

mc needs to grow tf up rn and stop being so stupid

    cornee May 13, 2024 2:32 pm

    do you understand how hard it is to stand up to your abuser??? especially when it’s your parent?????? hello have you heard of domestic violence and how it messes with victims heads???

    thisislele May 13, 2024 9:21 pm
    do you understand how hard it is to stand up to your abuser??? especially when it’s your parent?????? hello have you heard of domestic violence and how it messes with victims heads??? cornee

    that doesn’t mean he’s not being stupid?? lmfao he has already been standing up to his father, the problem is that he’s refusing help. he is not stupid, he knows the situation he is in. this is very very clear to the reader from the progress we’ve seen. he’s being prideful now imo, refusing perfectly good help bc he thinks he has it handled.

    thisislele May 13, 2024 9:25 pm
    do you understand how hard it is to stand up to your abuser??? especially when it’s your parent?????? hello have you heard of domestic violence and how it messes with victims heads??? cornee

    it is so fucking crazy to say this at the point in the story where he is literally threatening and smacking his abuser. we are way fucking past standing up to him. his pride is making him refuse help and now he’s in another shitty situation.