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The best thing about this was the bond between Daniel and Rael, which I wish was developed...

Len.gnnnh May 30, 2024 9:15 pm

The best thing about this was the bond between Daniel and Rael, which I wish was developed more. When Rael said Daniel was his world I cried a little, their found family type relationship was so nice. Fuck Lion, he can die. I kept reading hoping that Rael would get vengeance or smth but as he started saying He loved Lion I got so frustrated I dropped it. I'm sad cus it could have made such a cool and dramatic story if it wasn't trying so hard to shove the toxic ass relationship of Lion and Rael down our throat. And there could have been so many ways to make them work without Lion being a fucking psychopath. I'm so mad cus it could have been good grrrr
