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who else

Megumi May 13, 2024 5:02 pm

is lost? ( ̄∇ ̄")

i don’t remember why is tj hiding.. i don’t recall why ian is a hindrance to any of tj’s plans.. and what of jo?? why is he still around like what the fuck

    LaNansha May 14, 2024 3:31 am

    - theres a bunch of gang stuff going on. Power struggle. Ever since Jason (TJ and Ian’s last boss) died, anyone in a leadership position is basically in danger of being killed at anytime. That’s why TJ had his car accident at the end of season 1, and it’s why Ian got so angry when he found out that he wanted revenge for TJ right away.

    - it’s not that Ian is a hindrance to TJ’s
    Plans, but that by associating with TJ, Ian’s life is automatically in danger. That’s why TJ told him not to come to the funeral and that’s why after the funeral, TJ told Ian to take this chance and leave like he’s always wanted to. Ian refused, so TJ left instead. He’s been in hiding since and basically disappeared on Ian

    - Jo is still around because Ian likes being around him and is attracted to him. Ian is seeing both TJ and Jo, he’s not in an exclusive relationship with either of them. They’re just F buddies.

    Megumi May 14, 2024 5:40 am
    - theres a bunch of gang stuff going on. Power struggle. Ever since Jason (TJ and Ian’s last boss) died, anyone in a leadership position is basically in danger of being killed at anytime. That’s why TJ had ... LaNansha

    you are an angel, i hope the rest of your week will be a breeze.. luv u mwah ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Nyctechie08 May 14, 2024 5:45 am
    - theres a bunch of gang stuff going on. Power struggle. Ever since Jason (TJ and Ian’s last boss) died, anyone in a leadership position is basically in danger of being killed at anytime. That’s why TJ had ... LaNansha

    Thanks for the breakdown!

    Çayestnousyest May 14, 2024 8:39 am
    - theres a bunch of gang stuff going on. Power struggle. Ever since Jason (TJ and Ian’s last boss) died, anyone in a leadership position is basically in danger of being killed at anytime. That’s why TJ had ... LaNansha

    Thank you !ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    LaNansha May 14, 2024 9:13 am

    Haha, glad I could help

    wonders May 14, 2024 9:10 pm
    - theres a bunch of gang stuff going on. Power struggle. Ever since Jason (TJ and Ian’s last boss) died, anyone in a leadership position is basically in danger of being killed at anytime. That’s why TJ had ... LaNansha

    Love it, thank you so much for clearing some path esp for random readers like me, and within a short explanation too, you're amazing babe