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I love both of these two a lot ;; Doha is pretty emotionally stunted and damaged from his ...

octosis May 13, 2024 6:44 pm

I love both of these two a lot ;; Doha is pretty emotionally stunted and damaged from his life, it's not strange that he has trouble controlling his emotions, and Yeonwoo is such a lovely and gentle character. And the way they grow to care about each other is just so nice in the middle of the grimness of the plot.

Doha really needs someone to lift him up and see him for who he is, and Yeonwoo is that person. Meanwhile, Yeonwoo really needs someone who really loves him after his string of shitty exes. Sure, he picked up another weirdo, but unlike the others Doha's feelings are more genuine. They're an odd couple but they fit each other so well.
