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Yuu May 13, 2024 8:28 pm

sorry i hate these 2 men
every time i see them fucking pining for each other i want them to both die lol
i hope yall end up with completely different people and wildly unhappy
normally i'd feel for the husband but nah u broke too many laws of decency in your selfishness to deserve any pity. homewrecker is literally just perpetual shit. constantly moping over her husband. girl go join a throuple with dai n ur highschool pal who likes you. you'd be much happier.

    Flat_Initial May 13, 2024 8:32 pm


    I liked the husband better when he seemed to be on a war path to bang his twink. But now they just seem to want an audience.Meanwhile my girl is trying for unprecedented levels of doormat.

    Of course all of this because the author wants to drag out the toxicity as long as possible. In real life someone would've gotten stabbed already.