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Can a kind soul over here make me a short summary on what happened in this story since the...

Deedee May 13, 2024 9:54 pm

Can a kind soul over here make me a short summary on what happened in this story since the mean father appeared? I stopped reading when Seoan became a bit too possessive, jealous and controlling. I was scared this would turn into a very dark plot but I truly wasn't expecting the plot twist would come from the jerk father :,((( Are the couple still in good terms? I had the feeling few chapters ago they were on the edge of separation. It's like something was broken. It wasn't the same between them anymore

    Ray May 13, 2024 10:02 pm

    A lot of bullshit happened even in the recent chapter, I would say wait a few more chapter then read again because I think even the next chapter is going to be most likely bad. If you want be to give some spoilers I can

    Muypicante May 13, 2024 10:58 pm
    A lot of bullshit happened even in the recent chapter, I would say wait a few more chapter then read again because I think even the next chapter is going to be most likely bad. If you want be to give some spoil... Ray

    Please do!!

    Ray May 14, 2024 3:29 pm


    So his father is and addicted little bitch and uses Woowon to get money by threatening him.Seon found out and went behind Woowon's back and bribed/threatened his father to stay away, which Woowon found out and he confronted Seon about it and about knowing that Seon was planning on moving abroad for business and hadn't told him, to which Seon just said something like "you'll just follow me anyway, you're coming with me" basically implying that he made the decision for Woowon, which angered him because everyone always forced their decisions on him, so he left. Recent Chapter: He went to his father and said he wouldn't give him any more money and he should give back what he got from seon. Father then throws bottles which break all over the ground, he then pushes Woowon on the ground getting his head on the broken glass and he bleed and passes out

    Muypicante May 14, 2024 10:59 pm
    SpoilersSo his father is and addicted little bitch and uses Woowon to get money by threatening him.Seon found out and went behind Woowon's back and bribed/threatened his father to stay away, which Woowon found ... Ray

    Thanks, but I thought you had spoilers for later chapters. I'm up to date then :)

    Deedee May 16, 2024 8:00 am
    SpoilersSo his father is and addicted little bitch and uses Woowon to get money by threatening him.Seon found out and went behind Woowon's back and bribed/threatened his father to stay away, which Woowon found ... Ray

    Thank you so much for this! Wow it really turned out darker than I expected :(( I started to despise Seon few chapters ago because of his controlling yet nonchalan behavior. I couldn't stand him anymore. And I've always had the feeling Woowon was a better person than him and he doesn't deserve to suffer because of his new lover yet here we are living exactly that. Seon acts like a damn rich kid who thinks everything is entitled to him. I wish he would let Woowon have more influence on him and his life As for the father, that jerk needs to be jailed and hopefully he'll be done after this incident