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pls don’t crucify me

opulentswan May 13, 2024 10:10 pm

i don’t know if it’s just the type of fls in these stories i’ve been reading recently but something about how timid (not sure if this is the right word) they are gets on my nerves a bit. i’ll give an example: in chapter 50 of this story, leticia and her hubby shared a kiss then he asked her how she enjoyed it and in her head she thinks ‘is it alright to tell him i absolutely loved it?’ i’m like duh if he didn’t want to know he wouldn’t have asked. if she just comes out and tells him everything early enough they could work together to stop her mother instead of leticia trying to die alone in 6 months. the thought of endless misunderstandings is driving me up the walll

    opulentswan May 14, 2024 12:10 am

    okay i might like her a little more now because she wasn’t so ‘good’ that she was against that asshole tenoah getting killed