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Chap 3

gyatterson high May 14, 2024 2:32 am

I don't get it like why didn't ash like Lyle in-the beginning bc it was never specified what hapened between lyle Nicholas and ash idk

    Aya May 15, 2024 10:58 am

    Their first encounter in New York at New Year's eve when they kissed was memorable to both of them. It just Ash didn't realize it was Karlyle when they met again. It was actually their first kissed made him realize (Ash) that he could be with an Alpha. He actually went back to the same spot to see if he could meet Karlyle again after new year but to no avail. So yeah let's just say it was fate that they met again.

    Aya May 15, 2024 11:00 am

    And also Nicholas is Karlyle's friend and his brother's partner. He's kinda like lyle's brother in law. And as for Ash, he knows Nicholas because they're friends. You could think that they're closely connected by friends. So let's thank Nicholas

    IsolemRashlum May 17, 2024 5:51 pm

    The part explained these three relationship wasn’t adapted so: Ash used to have a crush on Nick before he met Karlyle, Karlyle doesn’t like Nick because he thought Nick had broken his brother (Kyle)’s heart many times and he believed he’s not a good partner to his brother. While hanging out with Nick (Nick had no interest in Ash), Ash met Karlyle again while Ash and Nick were about to hug each other, and Karlyle misunderstood that Nick was having an affair behind Kyle’s back. Because of that, he said some harsh words to Nick and Ash couldn’t stand seeing his crush being insulted by such an arrogant man so that’s why he said he didn’t like him when they “first met” (atp he still didn’t recognize Karlyle’s the alpha he kissed 6 years ago)

    whalien May 18, 2024 1:54 am
    The part explained these three relationship wasn’t adapted so: Ash used to have a crush on Nick before he met Karlyle, Karlyle doesn’t like Nick because he thought Nick had broken his brother (Kyle)’s hea... IsolemRashlum

    I was also just on chap 3 and was so confused lol like what? Do they explain all this LATER??? I literally thought I was missing a whole chunk of info

    IsolemRashlum May 18, 2024 3:29 am
    I was also just on chap 3 and was so confused lol like what? Do they explain all this LATER??? I literally thought I was missing a whole chunk of info whalien

    Unfortunately no I guess the artist decided to remove every details related to Egg Benedict in DTR because all of those things I said above are in EB, not DTR

    whalien May 18, 2024 5:32 am
    Unfortunately no I guess the artist decided to remove every details related to Egg Benedict in DTR because all of those things I said above are in EB, not DTR IsolemRashlum

    Well thank you for the detailed answer! The whole line about their bad first impressions was bothering me, like completely was not explained at all