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Mido is a fucking bitch! go fuck yourself

Ichigo May 14, 2024 4:29 am

I hate everything about this motherfcker!!! I don't give a single fuck about his victim complex... the way he just jumped to conclusions about the only person who gave a fuck about him and tried to protect him.. this extreme abuse and fuckery has been so unnecessary and uncalled for!!! there's no redeeming him imo!! he does not deserve a happy ending.. but we all know how these stories always end unfortunately. MC is just gonna forgive him like a dumbass and forget all about the absolute hell he's put him through

    hitomi_01 May 14, 2024 6:16 pm

    RIGHT!!!!! I really don't like Mido aka bitch ignorent! FUCK YOU MIDO!!!! It extremely over the limit when u make someone change their sex(alpha to omega) and then blame the person when don't know the truth. FK THIS BITCH! I SWEAR IF MC GONA FORGIVE HIM, better MC died and let tht beta tell the truth and make th shit mido bitch surfer more.

    singularitae May 15, 2024 8:42 am

    yhhh i get what u mean, but i can imagine what mido went through after he was takenespecially since he was an omega and he was still a kid, mayb he had hope but probably after he was basically kidnapped and most like graped, im pretty sure he lost all hope and js gave up on waiting for him, i mean many years has passed yk, and it probably stuck with him cus that was the first person who did show him kindness, so it probably hurt even more since he still was a kid...but then that aside irdgaf abt him cuz he pissed me off in all these chapters, lowkey rooting for betaxomega