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Brother ewwwwwwwww

Nikki May 14, 2024 4:35 am

He treats her like a damn dog, thinking that after everything he has done, buying her some trinkets and taking her on strolls she'll get better just because he suddenly remembers how kind and pretty, and how he loved her

His delusional ass needs to wake up, the only thing she wants it's the divorce.
Like he spread rumors about her to his benefit, married her also because of his sorry excuse of a revenge, all the things he does is for himself and his self stisfacion. Motherfucker so selfish, does he have the memory of a fucking bird or something ? She was shot, she is fucking miserable and now he is yapping about going on vacations when he is her number one hater.

Remember when you used to do this and that yap yap yap, you ruined her and she's not the same person she was 3 years ago, WAKE UP DUMBASS.
