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So much wasted potential

KWON_GIDI May 14, 2024 6:46 am

I got to chapter 52 and I guess that's it for me, I'm not going to bother reading it to the end.
There are just way too many plot holes and unexplained things. First of all, Mason. We know absolutely nothing about his backstory or how he got to be a mercenary. He is just a dude that died and swapped faces with another dude that died. Also Haley, I feel so sorry for him. He's portrayed as a terrible guy who fell off as an actor, sl*tshamed, an alcohol abuser and finally killed off simply to make space for Mason. We know absolutely nothing about Haley, which is especially weird because if Mason died and took over Haley's body what happened to the original Haley? It makes no sense. Mason deserved a second chance but Haley did not..? As for Noah, he's just trash. He's a r*apist, I literally had to skip every s*x scene, it was disgusting. He has a terrible personality, literally obsessive. And I kind of got p*dophile vibes throughout the story, because Mason was already grown up when he found Noah in that suitcase, however this fact gets completely disregarded and boom, love story. Overall, it's just a mess...

    milks0da May 15, 2024 6:05 pm

    totally agree with you on almost everything, i would’ve loved more fleshing out of mason in regard to all of his past experiences and how the revert into being haley, like surely he’d have some trauma and not just be all good? and noah was uncomfortable to watch half the time, and unbearable the other half. overall it was alright but i feel like so much more could’ve been done i wanted more about masons skills as haley would’ve been so good.

    Mimi May 30, 2024 4:25 am

    Did i misunderstand? Didn’t he do some witchcraft in his basement and switch places with mason and died instead like that’s his own fault (if im not mistaken)