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forbiddenlove May 14, 2024 6:54 am

YA‘LL could someone please explain the basement scene? Why was ML so shocked and didnt want MC to go there? As if he knew that there were bodies down there. Who are those bodies? Why are they all in the basement? Why did all those bodies or „people“ commit suicide? Or are these the „past life bodies“ from MC since he is in a constant time loop and wakes up with a new body but ML knows? SOMEONE PLEASE HELPPPP IM DYING OUT OF CURIOSITY

    Crepusculum May 14, 2024 11:37 am

    so this is how I interpreted it:
    youngwon probs saw the dead ppl in the basement in one of his previous loops and either a) hohyun was one of the dead ppl or b) youngwon was too late and saw hohyun see all the corpses and kill himself

    bc in the middle of that chapter hohyun starts thinking to himself that the corpses killed themselves bc everything seemed hopeless and if he were alone... (he stops at this part but it implies he may have had a mental breakdown and joined them as well... if not for youngwon being there)

    also in the previous chapters, youngwon has made several comments abt hohyun crying and implying that he's not mentally strong enough, which we can already see with how he's litr shaking when he killed a zombie. imagine how it'll feel to find a room full of actual dead ppl......