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I don't rmb much, so when I came back to reread and started from the part which the green ...

Bluelight May 14, 2024 8:07 am

I don't rmb much, so when I came back to reread and started from the part which the green haired guy talked abt how going out with the MC felt like he was doing something wrong, I liked that part. I thought he was just a heartbroken guy who wasn't the right fit for the MC, since MC could become a better version of himself with the ML.. How nice it'll be if they were both in love with each other but just couldn't be happy with each other, so they both moved on to find someone else whom they could be happy with. Unfortunately, the author wrote him as an asshole.

I just wish the ex partners of MCs or MLs aren't portrayed as assholes but as ppl who we'll want to wish happy endings for, which will make the stories more layered, fun and interesting.
