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cherie_0108 May 14, 2024 9:52 am

You go Ruediger! Smart boy! I hope eventually with the right push and persuasion Grandpa King would mellow a little and give his blessing for Ruediger and Judith (⌒▽⌒) I mean, the very same reason why Greta and Vanessa ran away from him is because he's being too strict to them and robbed them of their freedom. I hope he can see that as his mistake and not repeating it with Judith. Though I can sympathize a little bit with him, it's hard being left by the people you hold dearest to your heart. Still, clipping their wings and put them in a cage "to keep them safe" is not a form of love but torture.

I hope after the deal is sealed with Grandpa King later, they can move on to mending Ruediger's relationship with Luca. Tbh I'm a bit dissapointed to know what Ruediger said to Luca in his previous life because honestly it doesn't look that way to me at all. I have a feeling that he might said that so Luca wouldn't have to feel guilty about leaving him to die ooorrr... probably due to emotional abandonment by his mother, he's just unable to understand the concept of familial love (I mean the guy practically act like a robot at the earlier chapters). I would like to believe that he did genuinely care for Luca in his previous life and not only because Luca is a responsibility to him (but lack the understanding for said feelings). I also hope that Luca will open his heart again to the uncle he once loved so much ಥ‿ಥ
