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I feel like this is more than just sadomasochism

0SilverRevil0 May 14, 2024 10:31 am

It's not that he wants to bring pleasure to Yu and wreck him at that point he wants to HURT HIM. That's not kinky bdsm anymore that's just DANGEROUS. I feel like he has some sociopathic tendencies and I believe it's because of his mother and his REALLY HARD and TRAUMATIC childhood. We're BARELY scratching the surface of what Taka possibly went through. I'm not excusing his actions, never and he's been held accountable by Yu and I respect Yu's decision to forgive him and such, but it simply EXPLAINS the reason as to WHY he is the way he is. Yu was scared by him :(( in that instance where he was looking at him like nothing like prey. An object. His possession. And he himself feels bad about those urges and INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS he has about hurting and breaking Yu. I just hope he can get some fucking therapy and psychological help and if Yu can and wants to, stay by his side and support him.
