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Stop it

Lil Chicken Nugget May 14, 2024 10:50 am

I want none of y'all saying the friend is as bad as the psychotic ML. Was he opportunistic and not the greatest friend? Obviously it seems so, but the ML literally threatened him and grabbed his balls, they are not on the same level of "bad" for the MC

    Justme May 14, 2024 3:41 pm

    Till now Jihwan has only helped Sooyoung, that is until now. Did he only do it to help him,well no!!! He has other agenda besides protecting him.
    We know by now that he is obsessive over him, wants to be the most important in his life.
    The sad part is Sooyoung has no stable presence in his life, his friends suck,they rather abuse him sexually or just use him for their reasons,dont stick up for him or even attempt to help him.
    Jihwan is obviously dealing with some mental issues. But at least he isnt hypocritical.
    The rest of the guys around Sooyoung arent good just cause they arent as bad as Jihwan.
    Like tell me one friend he has that didnt deserve the backleash. Sooyoung is the type to just take it,Jihwan cant do that.
    The problem is he will take it too far, and im scared Sooyoung cant deal with that. Im genuinelly sad if he founds out how distrusting and calculative Jihwan is. When he is trying to open up to him

    Mokone May 15, 2024 5:50 am

    The friend should be just called out by others and Jihwan should be in a psychiatric or juvie XD. When his father threatened him to send him overseas I shouted: Yes! Keep him away from Sooyoung! I think now everyone sees Jihwan how he really is. He is always talking like he is not like others or saying he hates lies but he does the same or worst. But that’s how people with narcissistic personality disorder works and the author is doing a great job portraying it.