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Shout out to TL

Sonnybie May 14, 2024 1:43 pm

The TL is amazing but it would be perfect if Jeehae's animal pets are also refered in English meanings... I can't pronounce nor remember them correctly after 10 seconds

    Kikufuku May 15, 2024 5:35 pm

    Sorry, but I have to disagree. It's better to keep some things in Korean. Like if you try to find an equivalent to Haechi in English it would be either really long, wouldn't correctly match the real meaning, or sound dumb. Also, many of the things come from Korean myths and legends, which there is no good English translation for. While I understand the Korean might be strange at first, there are good reasons that they are left untranslated. After enough exposure, I'm sure you'll get better at remembering, and you can just make up your own pronunciation, or you can look up how to pronounce it if it matters to you