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*suck tears back into eyes*

Shabby Thesealion May 14, 2024 2:06 pm

Im sad now. How am i gonna sleep when im all Wet (and not in a good way). Ticks all the ansgsty box. A homophobic father , a depress maybe suicidal boi fronting as a "cinaman roll", closested confused sad boi, rocky sibling relationship and the best Gunckles in town.
But rn i dont get whats the deal with leo's sister (forgot her name) i know she doesnt get the full story of what happen that night from leo but geeez kinda cruel aint it? Like you aint the only one grieving here do you like it if your dead friend suddenly leaves messages to you saying "if only you were here this wouldn't happen" or something? Not a great feeling i imagine huh...
Not to mention being so rude to her step mom, like no offense bish but you won the Step-mom lottery, wise up faster please.
