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LeRain May 14, 2024 6:14 pm

Ain’t no way. Tristan will actually cheat on Ethan, with his own father. No less in Ethan's house. What Ethan did is all for Tristan, he didn’t want to drink that guy’s blood, but he did it for him. On the other hand, what Tristan is doing is all to fulfil his desire for fucking his father.

    Keiko-sama May 14, 2024 7:28 pm

    No but, Ethan and getting the blood was almost too much for me, then the idiot start masturbating, that's even more alarming and then Ethan kiss him... that's so unwanted and really not necessary fr wtf with those authors ? I can't understand that, does they secretly wish to cheat ? Because there's no way in hell I'll draw/write something like cheating ever. But it's jut my opinion.