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sattlevieren May 15, 2024 4:26 am

In a world of cosplay, you pick a furred disguise,
Pretending you're a fox, a wolf, with gleaming eyes.
Your suits are plush, your tails a show,
But deep inside, who are you, though?

You gather at conventions, prance around the floor,
Chasing fantasies in costumes that cost a fortune, more.
You think it’s cute, you think it’s grand,
But all I see are grown-ups playing in a fantasy land.

Your characters are varied, but the story’s the same,
Escaping to a world where nobody knows your name.
You say it’s just a hobby, a fun little quirk,
But it’s hard to take you seriously when you’re dressed for work.

Behind the masks, what’s the truth that you hide?
A quest for attention or just along for the ride?
In the end, it’s all a bit too surreal,
A world of make-believe that can’t quite feel real.

    Lethe May 15, 2024 3:43 pm

    Bro rhymed real with real

    Anyways there seems to be an increase of these poems lately on this site, seems ai gen’d to me tbh

    sattlevieren May 15, 2024 3:56 pm

    Bruh I am a national-level poem 3rd placed compitetor

    Lethe May 15, 2024 4:30 pm
    Bruh I am a national-level poem 3rd placed compitetor sattlevieren

    ah… congrats?? Unfortunate tho