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Im loving this!

fwopfwop May 15, 2024 4:48 am

But this strange feeling at the back that something might go wrong so fast is giving me anxiety. Like thank god the brother is not sane and doesnt have a healthy amount of brocon or else he would have called the cops and had taehyuk arrested since day one! Like this is sweet and all, and i know its not really pedo or grooming cos they did meet when they were adult and taehyuk doesnt even have any romantic inclination as of now but its giving me so much anxiety that some bosy would call the cops and have arrested. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Meandme May 18, 2024 12:00 am

    The thing is, there is nothing going between these two. A normal sibling would have an open ended conversation and not spy on his brother. MC only went to live with Ml cause the brother is crazy. A normal person wouldn't even take it to that side at first. Brother is to abnormal making assumptions.

    And even on the first tl he already killed Ml so it's not really about his age but the brothers mental illness

    fwopfwop May 18, 2024 1:14 am
    The thing is, there is nothing going between these two. A normal sibling would have an open ended conversation and not spy on his brother. MC only went to live with Ml cause the brother is crazy. A normal perso... Meandme

    Yea. We know there was nothing going on but in the perspective of the big bro, he was actually in the right before the he is a psycho reveal. Like, during sleepover big bro was actually right to worry and get mad, imagine an 11 yo driving, and before that sneaking out at dead of the night not to return home not asking permission, and suddenly making some unbelievable lies only to discover he went to some strange man 18 years older than him and slept there. Any sane person would be suspicious and called the cops by now. This sudden strange relationship is too random to be anything good. I for one have watched a lot of documentaries that started like this it didnt end well. thats why i said thank god turns out big bro is crazy

    ayayayayaaas May 18, 2024 4:25 am
    Yea. We know there was nothing going on but in the perspective of the big bro, he was actually in the right before the he is a psycho reveal. Like, during sleepover big bro was actually right to worry and get ... fwopfwop

    that's completely out of context. we all know what's going on, yet people keep pushing narratives that ain't even there. it's not like the story was holding back on showing us what’s really up. if anything, hangyeol should be the one to watch his back around taehyuk knowing he was in an 11 year old body with an adult mind, he was the one who should knew well. he hadn't even fully believe just how messed up his brother could get even though taehyuk tried to warn him.

    fwopfwop May 19, 2024 1:58 am
    that's completely out of context. we all know what's going on, yet people keep pushing narratives that ain't even there. it's not like the story was holding back on showing us what’s really up. if anything, h... ayayayayaaas

    I dont get how thats out of context? (Genuine question, pls point it out so that i can understand cos im dumb af) When you’re mentioning events that isnt even related to what im saying? Also, this is not me pushing my own narratives into the story, its just how i felt as i was reading base only on what is happening, like i didnt know yet big bro was crazy when i thought he might call the cops on them. Hangyeol did started acting sus all of the sudden. Also, maybe the big bro is good at hiding his true self for hangyeol not to suspect him. He probably did. Not that i support big bro hes crazy and hangyeol should get a restraining order. But big bro did treated hangyeol well, strict, but well. Maybe thats why hangyeol didnt think twice about bro.