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is it freaking anyone else out that the cat killing psyco robot aka "KID"...actually looks...

punpurin May 15, 2024 9:02 am

is it freaking anyone else out that the cat killing psyco robot aka "KID"...actually looks like a kid? Like he's shorter than soho and soho is already "the short pretty uke" type. but atleast soho still looks like an adult. But the psyco robot is literally child size and that weird evil guy picks him up like a kid it's just weird that that psyco robot looks like a kid and that older ex-boss of Major RD is intimate with him. Also the ex-boss hates soho so much cause of his trauma of evil robots but he's literally being intimate with the most evil of them like make it make sense. the psyco robot and the ex boss r def one of my least fav characters in manhwa

    menhera worm May 15, 2024 11:12 pm

    You’ve never seen a child in ur life if you think Kid looks like a child, he’s a twink, he looks like a young adult

    Juliette12346 May 16, 2024 4:22 am

    He doesn't even look like a kid what are u on about

    Somm May 16, 2024 6:49 am

    He looks nowhere like a kid he looks like an edgy twink lol

    ItzTinSeL May 16, 2024 3:31 pm

    I getcha he does have a pretty smal stature and if he tried I'm pretty sure he can play a role of a ditzy young teen if he want to. So I get the feeling of discomfort too honestly AND YOU RIGHT THO!! HE BEING SO CONFLICTINGLY BIASED. Which is also why I can't wait to see the backstory between them because I wanna know hoe that even came to be.

    Somm May 16, 2024 4:42 pm

    My thoughts on the ex boss with Kid is that maybe he doesn't know that he's responsible for the murder (or maybe he truly isn't? We'll see), his bias may stem from the fact that kid used to be human and atleast his thoughts and brain is human....or that he may be too emotionally reliant on him??? That's the most logical explanation I can think of with the current plot...

    punpurin May 17, 2024 9:00 am
    I getcha he does have a pretty smal stature and if he tried I'm pretty sure he can play a role of a ditzy young teen if he want to. So I get the feeling of discomfort too honestly AND YOU RIGHT THO!! HE BEING S... ItzTinSeL

    THANK YOU! The replies under my comment are crazy with people commenting "What are you on about"...HELLO? R WE SEEING THE SAME ART?? I like that word u used...see the art of him gives me "discomfort"

    ItzTinSeL May 17, 2024 6:22 pm
    THANK YOU! The replies under my comment are crazy with people commenting "What are you on about"...HELLO? R WE SEEING THE SAME ART?? I like that word u used...see the art of him gives me "discomfort" punpurin

    When comments get defensive like that it usually means they're young and can relate to the character or there older and are attracted to the character so they feel attacked too don't worry you not crazy.

    And I also hate getting attacked when I'm making valid points so I'll always defend ya if you making COMPLETE REASONABLE SENSE.

    menhera worm May 17, 2024 10:28 pm
    When comments get defensive like that it usually means they're young and can relate to the character or there older and are attracted to the character so they feel attacked too don't worry you not crazy. And I ... ItzTinSeL

    No they sound insane saying a character that looks like a young adult looks like a kid, “KID” is a twink more than anything like you could’ve said he acted like a child which sure he acts immature but saying he looks like a kid sounds crazy cuz he doesn’t

    punpurin May 18, 2024 6:03 am
    No they sound insane saying a character that looks like a young adult looks like a kid, “KID” is a twink more than anything like you could’ve said he acted like a child which sure he acts immature but say... menhera worm

    defending the art of a fictional character so much to the point where u r calling a REAL person "insane" for having an opinion is actually kind of wild. Like i hope u know that. That in fact does make u defensive. You have ur opinion (that he doesn't look like a litteral child), and even tho i don't agree AT ALL, i'll respect it. I ask u respect mine to and refrain from the over defensive name calling (and if u get offended by anything i said just know u started it lol by replying to my one OPINION)

    punpurin May 18, 2024 6:05 am
    When comments get defensive like that it usually means they're young and can relate to the character or there older and are attracted to the character so they feel attacked too don't worry you not crazy. And I ... ItzTinSeL

    I love this analysis and the more people that reply, the more I agree with u LMAO ヾ(☆▽☆)

    ItzTinSeL May 18, 2024 7:00 am
    No they sound insane saying a character that looks like a young adult looks like a kid, “KID” is a twink more than anything like you could’ve said he acted like a child which sure he acts immature but say... menhera worm

    Everyone has their own perception what might look normal to you could look weird to someone else, sweetness. Calling someone insane because they don't see they same way as you can also be called insane by someone else. And the cycle continues sadly.