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Cookiemaster2000 May 15, 2024 11:14 am

I read this back in 2020 and 14 year old me apparently loved this because I only had good memories about it but rereading it now, I must’ve been on crack cause what…The constant sexual and physical assault, glossing over ATTEMPTED RAPPEEE??? and the way Yuris mental issue just gets resolved (not the worst but could use work), this story felt like a mess.

I honestly don’t think it wouldn’t have been as bad as it was had the author not added any of the side couples (cause god what the fuck) and so much sexual assault??? Like I don’t feel like I was able to enjoy the main couple as much as I could’ve because Yuri would constantly kiss jaerim without his consent, also the narrative that “because I’m a man its natural he cant hold back” is just fucking gross man.

The attempted rape scene just left me gobsmacked…I’m honestly pissed that the dude didn’t face harsher repercussions and the fact the rape scenes was just brushed over?? I never understand why authors include such serious things like rape when they don’t do the proper research to show the after effects of something that traumatic. I believe jaerim is a strong character but I’m supposed to believe he’s just gonna greet his assaulter in the hallway politely? That he isn’t traumatized?? Its just ridiculous and just bad writing to add something that serious crammed into the very end of your story.

Anyways I loved jaerim but honestly mostly everyone got on my nerves, I just overall dislike the authors creative decisions and I think had they cut out all the literal sexual assault and, side couples that are literally built up on toxic foundations…this would’ve been more decent.

    egojn May 16, 2024 7:21 am

    Exact thoughts

    lor* May 29, 2024 9:36 pm

    This was literally my mind while reading this!! Why does everyone love this so much??

    Aslàn Bozdag ♡ June 2, 2024 7:23 pm
