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Idc if she’s alone the rest of her life if the duke dies I don’t want her with Cedric....

Yanixi May 15, 2024 1:35 pm

Idc if she’s alone the rest of her life if the duke dies I don’t want her with Cedric. I’m a hater of Cedric I’ve said it time and time again and I’ll say it again! Why are they leaving the fact that he knows the dukes ex fiancé?? Is related to her?? Knows they look alike it’s what attracted him to fl in the first place, and this is STILL UNKNOWN TO HER EVEN WHEN THEY BASICALLY HAD A FREAKING WEDDING? Even when they was about to get on a boat before the explosion?? Everyone wants her to be with the 2nd ml but do y’all not find this weird?? She literally had insecurities about this cuz old dude used her and the dead ex fiancé likeness to fuck with her I’m pretty sure that old dude ( that got fired) the guys dad that just blew shit up if I’m not mistaken. Not to mention the duke NEVER cared for the dead ex fiancé she died very early he probably didn’t really even know her BUT Cedric knew knew her, that’s his niece( again it could be a mistranslation from the translation team(⊙…⊙ ) could be his friend”???) but still he freaking knew her bro. This is the only reason I’ve kept reading is to find out if dude was gonna tell her and it hasn’t not popped up once I feel like when Cedric first came to the house and he met the duke, the duke may have hinted at it a bit?? But like that was it. It hasn’t not been bought up at all. I’d rather she be alone then Cedric. I’ll die on this hill idc how nice he is or pretends to be
