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Rashta is irredeemable...

canonMT May 15, 2024 3:01 pm

Okay, Rashta's sob story was solid. But what's absolutely fucking insane to me is the fact that despite her saying "I just want to be happy and be loved, I want a simple life, blah blah" is literally a total lie....

If she wanted something so pure and simple there's so many ways she could do that. Even as a mistress (as lowly as that is), if she had just tried to lay low and be respectful to people she comes across with, everything would've worked out for her.

If she didn't go on power trips at every single corner, if she didn't have such a fragile and massive ego, if she is able to have empathy and at least TRY to see things from other people's perspective, if she could see that she's not the only person in the world who has gone through shit, her life would be SO much better. But she's literally unable to do any of that. Idk if it's an IQ or a mental thing, but that extreme victim mentality is just so fucking ugly. The fact that her conclusion is 'I have bad luck' is fucking crazy bro, like wtf??

It's true we can't choose how we were brought into this world, but can ALWAYS choose what to become in our time in this world. Good people are good no matter if things are easy or hard. You can't justify evil with a motherfucking sob story, bitch. Ugh
