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❔❗❔❗❔❗❔❗❔ May 15, 2024 3:37 pm

i'm happy that kinky stuff is making a comeback after so long (because it fucking SUCKS when people are practicing bdsm when not in a relationship but after discovering feelings they suddenly only do vanilla sex since it's more fitting for "love" or whatever) but i'm definitely not happy about the reason WHY it's making a comeback. i wish it wasn't tied to his triggers and was just something consensual both of them enjoyed. hope they can work towards that

    Nana May 15, 2024 10:47 pm

    I agree, but it was inevitable that it'd be tied to his triggers considering he kept suppressing his urges and not even acknowledging them within himself. He went from abuse and indulgence to -> abrupt denial and now he's hit his limit masking that part of him. Idk if the author plans on eventually giving me an actual opportunity to develop where he's not on one of two extremes, but I hope we could see that!
    Like, just admitting that his bdsm urges don't stem from the healthiest experiences, but he still wants to practice it and discuss it with Yu so they can agree on some limita etc.. Ahh one can dream!