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I’m a fan of early takarai rihito works, seven days and hana no mizu shiro still are in ...

vomitininapackage May 15, 2024 4:34 pm

I’m a fan of early takarai rihito works, seven days and hana no mizu shiro still are in the list of my favorites

And I remember how in 2014 when I was still in school I was so amazed by the beginning of “ten count”. Everything looked so elegant and subtle, dunno how to express it. However maybe since chapter 11 I personally felt more and more disgusted with where the author turned the story. I’d like to mention naturally I don’t care too much about controversial moments in yaoi, anyway they are just fictional romantic stories. However this one gives me anxiety and disgust I usually feel while reading some hardcore stories like “mantis cage” or everything by harada. Maybe due to this pretty deep psychological layer - we get to know shirotani’s childhood trauma, understand his phobia may have roots in all these complex and scary (for a kid) feelings, also from the beginning I see him as a very fragile and isolated person. And when kurose forces him to play with plug, also they completely forget about their list, finally he in my opinion persuades shirotani to see himself as a masohist…and then there is a happy ending. So for me it’s more of a “color recipe” vibe story where a protagonist is stuck in the relationship with an unhealthy person. At the same time I like “color recipe” and this one…maybe I just feel disappointed because the story hasn’t met my expectations
