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Batata May 18, 2024 4:57 pm

I don't think it'll have a good ending or the ending that I'll be satisfied with, I'm worried as that guy is so dumb that he gonna be manupilated till the end and live his imaginary happy life with both these psychos, this is what generally happens in these kinds of stories, the title is a major giveaway (or maybe I'm reading to much into it) also wtf was that creepy smile in ch 18!!
Hope that dumb guys sister and her baby aren't hurt.
I would really like it if author shows that psycho daughter's downfall and not play her creepy actions as her being smart, hope to see people getting their justice and revenge after their life being destroyed by her.
Her mom is shady!!
The art style makes it look like a pretty wholesome story contrary to what it really is...
