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I think poor Victemo killed himself after finding out what his mother did….

... May 15, 2024 7:42 pm

I think poor Victemo killed himself after finding out what his mother did….

    Victoria May 23, 2024 7:26 pm

    Eh, he was NEARLY completely healthy but not completely, so the absolute shock followed by strenuous physical strain through the running supposedly triggered a heart attack or similar. Even if he knew running was dangerous for him and even if he was like "maybe this is how it should be", it's NOOOT the same thing as intentionally causing one's own death.

    Even in real life, ruling something as intentional death for one's self is pretty strict.
    Like accidental overdose can happen if someone hasn't taken a substance for a while, lowering their tolerance, and then takes the old dose assuming it will affect them the same. They still purposefully took a dose of something they knew would kill someone else, and maybe they knew there was a risk of death (it sure isn't safe at least), but they did not actually intend for it. It's labeled accidental death. Oh, random fun fact- life insurance IS SUPPOSED TO PAY OUT in those circumstances.

    Sorry, I've got a weird thing about blurry lines around death. It's just he didn't stab himself or jump off a cliff or whatever, he freaked out and ran. So. It feels wrong saying he did it on purpose. He felt guilty that his life came from the death of others, yeah, but he didn't intentionally take himself out. Honestly, I'm hoping he's in cardiac arrest and his heart stopped but someone will resuscitate him or something... he was innocent in the whole thing. It would be heartbreaking to die like that.

    ... May 28, 2024 2:04 pm
    Eh, he was NEARLY completely healthy but not completely, so the absolute shock followed by strenuous physical strain through the running supposedly triggered a heart attack or similar. Even if he knew running ... Victoria

    I made this comment when he had just found out about what his mother was doing. It’s not regarding his actions after his discovery….

    Victoria May 28, 2024 7:46 pm
    I made this comment when he had just found out about what his mother was doing. It’s not regarding his actions after his discovery…. ...

    Sorry, I interrupted the wording to be that you thought he literally 'unalived' himself on purpose when he found out. It's my bad if you meant different. Please don't think I was rambling because I wasn't happy with your comment, though!! I'm just weird, can't keep my mouth shut, and wanted to feel like I was 'sharing' the surprise of the scene with someone. Hope you have a good day!!

    ... May 29, 2024 7:56 am

    No problem. Comment section exists for sharing opinions. =)
    You have a good day too!