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my head hurts

Ichigo May 15, 2024 8:38 pm

I personally despise this trope and hate how unfortunately common it is in yaoi....... my dude is getting abused and humiliated on the daily, yet he's starting to catch feelings?? that ugly motherfcker said two bare minimum human words, and it has my dude suddenly craving for his affection and care??? I literally want everyone in this story to die except mc. everyone is a fcking asshole!

    cigarette May 16, 2024 6:06 am

    i agree the fake dating trope w rude acquaintances to lovers only works well when 1. both parties are on the same page and 2. the rude shit that is done isn't irredeemable. i hate when its just a "shit on uke's head and try to fix it w a sad face" story