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emotional incest?????why??????

Psyche May 16, 2024 4:10 am

i'm seeing people call rezef a siscon... label it like that if you want ig but it's emotional incest on Rezef's end. i feel like 'sis con' is some type of weird label that takes away from a lot of the dynamic between the two(?) like if you take away the siblings label, Rezef is quite literally obsessed with her. Poor Cayena, she knows how twisted he is already but seemingly doesn't seem to fully pick up on how more possessive he's becoming...chapter 57 confirmed it for me. this is more of a brain dump than anything but i'm just so interested in their dynamic (disturbed and icked, but interested nonetheless) ok spam over

    Lua May 28, 2024 1:52 pm

    He's an extreme siscon. The thing with emotional incest that I read from irl is that they try to act like a couple. There's nothing like that from rezef.

    It's like the reverse emo. incest. He just wants his sister to comfort him always like she's his mom and he's 5. He never grew up and he isn't inappropriate with her either. Nothing he does is romantic or couple like.

    I may be wrong but I just can't see it. It feels like what nuns/priest do when something bet a boy and girl happens. Reaching.

    Psyche May 29, 2024 4:21 am
    He's an extreme siscon. The thing with emotional incest that I read from irl is that they try to act like a couple. There's nothing like that from rezef. It's like the reverse emo. incest. He just wants his sis... Lua

    I think it's fair to say that it's not a reach at all, since 'siscon' is a term almost always used to describe a situation that is in at least one way shape or form incestuous! It does not need to be physically inappropriate to meet the criteria of incest, hence my choice of the term 'emotional'. In this case, the warped feelings are in no way the same, since Cayena very much cares for Rezef like a caretaker would for their child, or in her case, younger sibling. Rezef on the other hand feels not only physically possessive towards her (wanting to not let her be far from him), but a sense of entitlement to her existence as his sibling (something like, "You're mine because you were born as my my sibling and you can't deny me my source of comfort i won't let you leave me", blah blah blah). Yes this alone doesn't 100% show that he feels anything beyond toxic (platonic) love towards her, but in my personal opinion, going off of how he's drawn when thinking, talking or just plain on being around her, I don't think I'm reaching. You're entitled to your opinion of course, since this is just an interpretation after all.

    Lua May 29, 2024 2:21 pm
    I think it's fair to say that it's not a reach at all, since 'siscon' is a term almost always used to describe a situation that is in at least one way shape or form incestuous! It does not need to be physically... Psyche

    Yeah, nah. I think the west focus on romantic love makes people think that it's the only type of love or in this case, attachment. But there's all sorts of emotions and being obsessive isn't all about lust or love, it can be about friendship or a child who dislikes his younger sibling.

    Physical touch is something every human being needs. Not every physical touch is sexual. She's his source of comfort of course he's going to demand it from her too.

    Again, we haven't seen him grow up yet from the mental age of 5. That's why I compared it to being overly conscious of sex like nuns and priests do. Maybe he'll progress, but until I see him try anything sexual, it's still not emotional incest.

    Agree to disagree.

    Psyche May 30, 2024 11:35 am
    Yeah, nah. I think the west focus on romantic love makes people think that it's the only type of love or in this case, attachment. But there's all sorts of emotions and being obsessive isn't all about lust or l... Lua

    fair enough! you make some good points :)