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The only thing that's good about the prince is that he looks good. Good looking but why tr...

water May 16, 2024 4:46 am

The only thing that's good about the prince is that he looks good. Good looking but why trashy personality? I have a feeling he'll die or some bad ending cause you know villains always lose. But I'm hoping redemption or him leaving the couple alone? Lol I always feel bad for good looking villains I can't help it

    water May 16, 2024 11:11 pm

    Oh crap, I just read that the prince is a rapist to many people. Bro why you got to be fucked up. This ain't love dude. Just make his death swift author but where's his relatives, or is there any son to take the crown

    IsolemRashlum May 17, 2024 4:35 pm
    Oh crap, I just read that the prince is a rapist to many people. Bro why you got to be fucked up. This ain't love dude. Just make his death swift author but where's his relatives, or is there any son to take th... water

    I don’t think there is, it mentioned that he killed all the princes and princess in the purge except the only princess has survived up till now