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For those confused by this chapter...

Kitty May 16, 2024 5:28 am

This is a continuation of Kwon's backstory, to recap: he's a bastard child who basically got exiled by his father to go defend the border after his stepmother had a mental breakdown and tried to kill him over his natural ability to excel in everything that overshadowed her son.

Though he was meant to just die on the frontline, his ruthlessness and willingness to ignore authority to get a more favorable outcome caught the attention of the king's younger brother who offered him the titles position/rank of an officer. With no other choice he accepted and ofc excelled in the role. Now the king's brother is going to cash in on the favor of making him an officer to which he won't be able to refuse. It will soon tie into the present storyline. Hope this helps!

    Yello May 16, 2024 5:58 am

    Omg i love u for this. I had understood nth lol

    LoveyDovey May 16, 2024 7:00 am

    I love you for helping me understand wtf is going on

    Yatamomo May 16, 2024 6:23 pm

    Wouldn't it be the king's uncle? Since it looks like the current king is and it would make sense when it's mentioned early in the story that "they tried to manipulate the king who was much too young to understand."

    KathE May 16, 2024 10:06 pm
    Wouldn't it be the king's uncle? Since it looks like the current king is and it would make sense when it's mentioned early in the story that "they tried to manipulate the king who was much too young to underst... Yatamomo

    The king in the flashback is the father of the current king. The grand prince is the former king’s brother and therefore is the current king’s uncle. In the time period between Kwon’s promotion and the grand prince reminding him of his debt to him, the former king died, causing his young son to ascend to the throne and making the child the current king.