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189 chapters (counting the raws) and the whole story became a bigger mess, the drama is st...

Sadistic Unagi Roll May 16, 2024 5:50 am

189 chapters (counting the raws) and the whole story became a bigger mess, the drama is still going on

    NotCool May 16, 2024 5:14 pm

    Yeah, the author really needs to wrap things up. She's introduced a lot of new plot threads, but many from season 1 haven't progressed at all. It seems like she's struggling with direction and has lost much of her audience. Additionally, her original plan seems flawed because she hasn't convincingly sold the reconciliation between Juha and Minsung. You can see in the comment section that everyone dislikes the idea. As the story progresses, Minsung and to a large extent Miyeon just keep getting worse, while Juha and Youngea seem like a perfect match.